Monday, October 27, 2014

Rien ne va plus!

On october 20th 1984, the Casino in Graz (Austria) opened for the first time its doors so who better to invite to do this honor than Graz's most famous daughter actress Marisa Mell to start the roulette with a golden ball and the traditional words: "Rien ne va plus".
Thanks to Jochen Kulmer and André Schneider.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Glasses on Kant

During the production of the Mario Bava directed movie "Danger: Diabolik!" in 1967, Marisa Mell had some free time between takes which she used well given the amount of behind the scene pictures of her as Lady Eva Kant and co-star John Phillip Law as Diabolik. Set photographer was then already very famous photographer Emilio Lari who in later years would become even more famous as set photographer on movies like The Godfather trilogy or Raging Bull or Once Upon a Time in America. In this set of pictures Marisa Mell shows the latest fashion in sun glasses in her outfit from a scene of the movie where she is in disguise as a prostitute!