Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bedelia Kellerman

At the end of the 1970's in 1979 at age 40, Marisa Mell was at the height of her stunnig beauty with a face like a Greek goddess characterized by her full lips, almond shaped emerald green colored eyes and her thick dark chestnut color hair. Professionally that year was a rather slow year with only one movie "Un Ombra nell'Ombra", a cinema bis Exorcist rip off and a leading part as drug dealer "Bedelia Kellerman" in the South of France during one episode of a French comedy/crime series called "Sam et Sally" that aired on the second national television station "Antenne 2". The series is now available on DVD and can be purchased at "" in France.
Thanks to Marisa Mell fan "Naldo" for giving the golden tip! If you have in your personal archive rare photo's, interviews, movies or any other Marisa Mell memorabelia, the Marisa Mell Blog would like to hear from you:
because we are always on the look out for new material, especially her "lost" movies like Ein Mann im schönsten Alter, Diamond Walkers, La Tempesta...

1 comment:

  1. A pity they dubbed her again. Her looks are radiant, but why didn't they keep her own voice? I don't understand...

    "Un ombra nell'ombra" was filmed in 1976/77, by the way. The theatrical release was in 1979.
