Saturday, February 27, 2010


During the height of her professional life Marisa Mell was often the guest of honor at high end social gatherings. Being the guest of honor requered to sit next to the host of the evening. In this case with producer Moustapha Akka. He was a Syrian American producer and director, best known for producing the series of "Halloween" films and directing Mohammed, Messenger of God and Lion of the Desert. Moustapha Akka was sadly killed along with his daughter Rima Akkad Monla on November 11th in 2005 in Amman, Jordan by an Al-Qaeda suicide bomber. What makes this photo fascinating is the fact that Marisa Mell must have heard a story or seen someone in the room that evening that makes her startle so much that she opened her eyes in shock and looks astonished about the heard or seen which she obviously can not believe.

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