Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Encased Forever?
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Haluk Özözlü-From Istanbul with Love!
In the 60's and 70's during the height of Marisa Mell's career as a member of the jet-set she traveled a lot in the world history and so one day her plane landed in Istanbul, Turkey. Let's hear from a special eyewitness: photo journalist Haluk Özözlü. Mr Haluk Özözlü, thanks for granting this interview to the Marisa Mell Blog!
My pleasure!
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
Sure, I am a photo journalist for almost 40 years now. I am now 60 years old, living and working in Istanbul, Turkey.
How did you meet Marisa Mell in Istanbul?
Well, I can not remember extactly the year but it must be between 1976 - 1979, unfortunately it is a long time ago. One day she came to the popular newspaper "Hürriyet". My editor then wanted me to photograph her for the newspaper. So we decided to go the very famous Topkapi Palace because it is such a beautiful place and would make a great setting for photo's of her. The newspaper was situated around one kilometer from the palace, so quite nearby. Marisa Mell and I walked together to the Palace for about 20 minutes. At the Palace we went to the portrait wing. There I took several pictures of Marisa Mell in front of the world famous picture of Fatih Sultan Mehmet. Looking back, what do you still remember of Marisa Mell?
I can say that she was extremely beautiful with beautiful eyes and magnificant lips! She looked very wild and sexy. I noticed that she was a heavy smoker. After the photoshoot Marisa Mell and I went back to the newspaper for an interview. Once done she went back to her hotel, the Intercontinental Hotel in Taksim. After that I never saw her again.
Where can people see your work and learn more about Istanbul and Turkey?
I have a website at where people can find a lot of my photographs and more practical information about my work, home country Turkey and the city where I live Istanbul! I would be honored if people would visit my site!
(c) Haluk Özözlü
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Although Marisa Mell is almost gone 20 years it is amazing that she still is able to touch the hearts of many people around the world by her beauty, character and performance on the silver screen. She even keeps being an artistic inspiration for fans who have never been to an original screening of her movies in the cinema's many years ago but became fans after viewing one of her movies in recent years. Let's meet one of those younger fans!
Hey Jarrod, thanks for granting this interview and showing your video! What can you tell about yourself?
I'm just a real big fan of rare and unusual European cinema from the 60s and 70s (mostly French and Italian). I live in New York and I'm in the process of finishing up a college degree in a Bachelor of Arts in film and media studies. I am honored to share my Clarkes' video on your Marisa Mell Blog, and thanks for watching!
What gave you the idea to combine the great music of the group "The Clarkes" with a Marisa Mell movie?
The lead singer and lyricist of the band (Tony Johnson) is one my very dearest friends and my ex-roommate. When I lived with him, he was in the midst of writing this album and demoing it, as I was collecting hundreds of films and editing together clips. Well my friend put out the Clarkes in 2003 and the two song writers split ways (another friend Peter Weldon is the musician and songwriter). Having realized that there were no live performances available on video, or any videos made for any of their songs, I decided to take it upon myself to make videos out of rare european films that have had little attention in the world. The Clarkes is an album that I like quite a bit, not just because the songwriters are my friends, but I sincerely think it's a beautifully written, harmonized and performed record. I really wanted more people to hear it and this is why I'm sharing it with the world.
What is it about Marisa Mell that fascinates you?
As for Marisa Mell, well, she is just quite simply beautiful! With every Clarkes' video, I dedicate each one to a specific favorite actor or actress of mine. When I started out this project, I knew that I would specifically do a video for Marisa Mell (as well as Claudine Auger, Edwige Fenech, Stefania Casini and Barbara Bouchet). Though, what makes Marisa Mell a little different, is that she seems the most mysterious. Where other actresses seem to share an external expressionism, I've always found Marisa to be expressive in an internal way. Though I only have a handful of Marisa's films, she completely fascinates me with her acting and beauty. The scene I used from "The Great Swindle" is one that just happened to strike a cord with me, and when I listened to the song the images of the film came to mind, and I couldn't really say "why." I crossed the two together (song and film) and it really seemed to work for me.
What are your favorite Marisa Mell movies?
As for the Marisa Mell films that I like, well "Danger Diabolik" was the first one I saw back in 1991, and I was pretty struck by her. I really love "Secret Agent Superdragon," "One On Top Of The Other," "The Great Swindle," "Seven Bloodstained Orchids," "Diary Of An Erotic Murderess," "Born Winner," "Casanova & Co.," and "Beast With A Gun." My Marisa Mell holy grail is to find "Anyone Can Play," which is one that I've been searching years for.
What do you think of the Marisa Mell Blog?
Your Marisa Mell blog looks absolutely great! I hadn't seen some of the awesome poster art before! Real nice job with great dedication.
Where can interested people see more of your work?
I have a YouTube Channel called "igotmobilephone" with more than 75 videos ranging from trailers, clips of Eurocult movies and more great songs from "The Clarkes".
I would be honored if your readers came to visit my channel at:
Thanks Jarrod and good luck with future projects!
Thanks to André Schneider for signaling this video to me!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The lion finally Philadelphia's QFest
First showing on Tuesday, July 13th, 5.00 PM at the "Ritz East Theater 1"
If you would like more information about the movie or the 16th Philadelphia QFest in general:
André Schneider has also a blog about his work:
The official trailer of the movie
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Dutchess
Diese Frau ist wie für den Film geschaffen. Selbst wenn sie überhaupt keine schauspielerisches Talent besässe, hätte sie das Zeug zum grossen Star, denn ihre blosse Erscheinung fasziniert. Ideal Ihre Masse, katzenhaft elegant ihre Bewegungen,wunderschön und voller Rätsel ihr Gesicht. Aber diese Marisa Mell, die aussieht wie ein Männermordernder Vamp, wie ein moderne Version der “Lulu” oder des “Blauen Engels”, hat ihre Sphinx-Augen auf höchst bürgerliche Lebensziele ausgerichtet: Sie is seit einiger Zeit mit einem Kaufmann verlobt, möchte bald heiraten und Kinder haben. Ihre Karriere bedeutet keineswegs alles, aber dennoch hat sie ihren Beruf nie auf die leichte Schulter genommen. Marisa, am 25 februar 1939 in Neumarkt (Steiermark) als Marlies Moitzi geboren und in Graz aufgewachsen, erlernte die hohe Kunst des Schauspiels am renommierten Wiener Reinhardt-Seminar. Susi Nicoletti und Fred Liewehr waren ihre Lehrer. Direkt im Anschluss an ihr driejähriges Schauspielstudium erhielt sie ihr erstes Filmangebot für “Im Nachtlokal zum Silbermond”. Danach gab ihr der junge Regisseur Edwin Zbonek die schöne Chance, in dem anspruchvollen Film “Am Galgen hängt die Liebe” mitzuwirken, der weit besser war als sein Titel und mehrfach preisgekrönt wurde. Die Filme “Wegen Verführung Minderjähriger”, “Der Brave Soldat Swejk”, “Lebensborn”, “Ruf der Wildgänse” und “Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee” schlossen sich an. Marisas eigentlicher Durchbruch abert erfolgte in dem umschritten Rolf-Thiele-Opus “Venusberg”. Es steht allerdings zu befürchten, dass die Rolle der morbiden und liebestollen Frau, die sie darin verkörperte, sie auf eine ganze Weile in ihrem Filmfach festlegen wird. Allerdings ist Marisa intelligent genug, sich dem Film nicht mit Haut und Haaren zu verschreiben. Als sie neben Heinz Rühmann ein kleine aber attractive Rolle im “Braven Soldaten Swejk” spielte, sagte sie zu einem Reporter:”Ich glaube nicht, das das zufällige hineinrutschen in die Filmbranche mir ein paar kleinen oder grosseren Rollen auf Grund eines zufällig fotogenen Gesichts mir die Erfüllung dessen bringen kann was ich von meinem Beruf erwarte. Ich möchte mich auf der Bühne freischwimmen.”
Marisa Mell ist unter der Anschrift c/o Agentur Jovanovich, München 22, Widenmayerstrasse 23, zu erreichen.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Spanish Connection
1960-Am Galgen hängt die Liebe
1962-Das Rätsel der roten Orchidee
1965-Train d'Enfer
1966-Che Notte, Ragazzi