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Monday, May 1, 2017

Who ordered carnations for lunch?

Marisa Mell was always aware of her beauty and body, and like most of the actresses open to new fashion and diet trends in the world to keep this beauty and body in pristine condition. At the end of the 60's, a doctor from India was in Rome the new it-man, who made some waves with a new diet composed of eating flowers, especially the colourful carnations! So Marisa Mell had to try this at home in her beautiful apartment near the Forum Romanum. By the looks of it, it was not really her cup of tea, being a down to earth women from Austria, especially the hard boiled region of the Steiermark. In later years, after a long time living in Rome, that attitude would change when she became open to everything new age and spirituality like card reading, palm reading, pendels, guru's...  

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